Tuesday 17 March 2009

Spring Fling!

Mostly thinking about selling work today.
As opposed to making it which I seem to do most of the time.

This is the next opportunity...

Please do bring along friends and family.

As well as my work there will be lovely things by talented designer/maker/crafters from sheffield and the surrounding area.

Hopefully this will be the first of many organised by Craft Candy. Look forward to seeing you all there

Friday 6 March 2009

obsessive colour categorisation

After looking at Hen house organisation I felt inspired to do the same.
A hint of sunshine made me feel like looking at more spring and summer colours.

so... pinks!

these three main colours are the ones I will be working with for a more summery range of things.
Now i've organised my fabric, I notice a few gaps, so must pay my mum a visit, her stash is even larger than mine.
I think I must go over my yarns too.....
Does this feel familiar? mmm, just a bit!

Monday 2 March 2009

second use projects

i used to be a t-shirt!

this was a fabulous idea! very much a prototype but its great and works!
i cut around the body of the t shirt continuously all the way over any seams.

  • balled up it weighed 100gms

    lets start knitting!
    i used 9mm and 12mm needles.

    hey presto! a hat!

  • a very exciting second use project, very satisfying on the eco feel good factor.
  • quite time consuming to cut the t shirt up, 2 hours approx.
  • very quick to knit up as using large needles.
  • i thought it would feel very soft, like a t shirt. not as much as you would think.


  • must do more! in different fabrics.